other types of workouts

  1. divebuddy says:

    can you create a write in or other on the workout drop down menu? it would be nice to have more than one write in. thanks! love the new site.

  2. jeramyz says:

    I agree. "Swim" would be useful for triathletes. "Other" would be useful for many.

  3. IronAaron says:

    A swim option would be nice with saved work outs much like the maps. It could be a plain text area it a title.

  4. cshea says:

    I agree "swim" would be very useful for people who use the site. "Other" or a write-in option would be nice, too.

  5. adevero says:

    Swim would be able to use the same interface if there were a meter/yard unit option...

  6. hlpeabody says:

    Agreed on the option to add swimming. It would be great.

  7. datalies says:

    I'm in for swim workout. Would be nice to have everything logged in one place :) Great work, site keeps getting better and better!

  8. eLRusS1T0 says:

    Yeap! "Swim" is a nice option to be added into the workout type drop-down menu, but a better one is to add a feature for a write-in option.

    Keep on doing an excellent work in this site!! Thanks!!

  9. stomper says:

    I'd also like to see an "other" or "custom write-in" workout option. That way I can see how my running mixes with my other workouts, and gmap-pedometer can serve as my only workout log. Thanks!

  10. vickilynb74 says:

    Just want to agree with the "other" option as well as the swim option. I do yoga, play golf, soccer, and day hike with weight. Right now I just add them in the notes section. It would be cool if at least swim was added and a custom section for other activities.

  11. cadman says:

    agreed with the need for a "Swim" option. Wouldn't even need to log it in the map, just a way to log it in the work out log section.

  12. erinferin says:

    Another vote for the swim option with a meter/yards unit!

  13. ricocarty says:

    Another vote for swim. It should be easy to add SWIM to the drop-down. Then again, this is a free tool which I am grateful to use.

  14. landaudana says:

    Totally agree, please add 'swim' to the drop-down options. Great website, many thanks!

  15. ricocarty says:

    Swimming noticed on Nov. 16, 2015. Suite!

  16. paul says:

    For anyone who may be watching this thread, swimming has been added!